
In the holidays I helped my brother move in our house it was fun! I helped putting all his things into the van and drove all the way to my house. When we had finished, we had lunch, we had chicken with a potato salad it was Delicious! We had gone to a beach over at Tarawera. We had a lot of fun! Me and my sister went to my Aunt's house, we got to play tiggy and a lot of board games like Monopoly and Guess Who!

I met my 2nd cousin at my Aunt's house and we played a lot together. My sister had gone to play with her other friend just across the road from my Aunt's house. Me and my cousin Mystery had gone to the shop and my sister seen us go to the shop and she wanted to come. So she came but we didn't get anything from us but a lolly pop.

Me and my cousin Mystery went for a walk and had a long talk about all our things that we do at school. Mystery seen her friend and ran over to go and say hello but she left me behind and took off. I felt a little left out and went home. When Mystery got back from her friends house she said where was I and I said you left me out so I came back here. She felt sorry for me so she said sorry and I agreed to the problem.

I had to go home the next day and we said good-bye to each other.